a little catching up...

Hey fun seekers... I returned from my trip to Tailand and then the US over a week ago now and have been quite busy since. On the side of performing and teaching magic and mentalism and working in voice over and dubbing I have also just started on the road to getting my masters in education...whew..going to be busy busy busy...

Recently I designed a few banners for my show. The "thought reading" banner is featured in this post. It is amazing to me how much is added to a shows production value simply with a banner. I highly recommend to any performer having a cool banner made! The printing is very reasonable, roll out banners are light and very portable, so really the expense is the design...and if you are a performer reading this and need a design, drop me an email as I do all my own design and illustration work, and have also done many posters for other entertainers, including Adam Cardone, and Jeff Sheridan.

Last month I performed for the Entraprenures Organization, we did an after dinner show and a magic learning workshop. They also asked me to provide some kind of talk during the dinner, which was great fun to design. I gave a talk to them on magic and deception with a focus on the "why" in magic. I became a bit obsessed in the reasearch for this keynote lecture and I am currently adapting it to use for more functions. The new version of this lecture is called Hacking a Human, and it is about how, through magic performance, the magician learns how people's minds work and play on the limitations. Many scientists and neurologists have started studying magic and magicians and with magicians to better understand how people think and experience the world, and their findings are amazing. The bulk of my research was inspired by "sleights of mind", a book by neuro scientists Stephen L. Macknik and Susana Martinez-Conde, the idea of humans being hackable comes from this book. It's fun to see the scientific take on things like misdirection and psichophisiological thought reading; things magicians have been aware of for centuries. It's a great read if you are into magic and science. Many thanks to the EO for having me at their event and for inspiring this research and new avenue for me as a presenter.

It was truly great to be home in the US, even if it was for a very short time. I got to see my parents and sisters as well as my nieces and my Uncle. It was also great to see my friends in New York, many thanks to Michael Saab of the Modern Gypsies for putting me up in Brooklyn. I miss them all already. It's amazing how fast my nieces are growing up. My mother threw a sort of thanksgiving dinner for us on Easter Sunday and had around twenty guests. It was especially nice to get to catch up with the Florida crowd. I also performed a show for the dinner, which felt great. On the Saturday before Easter I went in a five mile walk with my parents and young sister on honeymoon island, I'll post the photos from that later. I am only now getting through the peeling skin from the sunburn that resulted, whoops...

I'll be teaching magic through the summer as well as performing regularly in and around Hong Kong...my best to you all.


The Bearded Lady

Last night was the first of hopefully many of the new event "The Bearded Lady". What a great night. I arrived around nine o'clock for this event which was presented by Moustache and Stiibu at Salon No10 in Hong Kong. The idea behind the night is to create a monthly event where creative people in HK can gather and exchange ideas and hang out in an atmosphere of inspiration. The night was a great success on that front. When I walked in the door I immediately smiled because everyone who had arrived early was in some form of period dress. The period featured was 1931 Germany. The night was full of fun, there were a few bands, (I'll need to find out the names and post them later), a burlesque act, and I provided my brand of mentalism. The photos I'm posting here should give a good take on how much fun was had by all. I can't wait for the next one!

Cinemagraph 2

I took this photo at a beautiful garden in Diamond Hill, and I am trying to see how subtle I can get with this effect.  Enjoy!

Stuart PalmComment

Cinemagraphy is a new technique for subltle animation of gif. images.  Here is my first one:

Its a lot of fun to think of the possibilities with this photo/animation technique.  The photo here is at the begenning of the Chinese New Year fireworks diplay from a bus in Hong Kong.  Check out some very impressive ones here:


Anniversary of my birth.

It's my birthday.

Up all night again. Couldn't sleep due to a nap I took today...or yesterday rather...due to Thursday! Got a good amount of practice and some drawings done. I'm going to have a relaxing day today doing things I enjoy: practicing, reading, painting, and go out later tonight.

Had a great time celebrating with friends Thursday night. Sushi dinner with close friends and nefariousness after..ie photos. Possibly a bit too much fun, not that I believe that's truly possible. Ended up at Fly for a bit of dancing and had a drink with my Fellow mustachioed friend Chester.

Chinese new year is upon us. Such an intriguing holiday. I'm still learning how it works. Many friends will be away this week. Going to catch up on reading, new plans and fixing up my place.

Kong Hei Fat Choy!

Stuart PalmComment
"Chocolate Magic" with "Twins"!

I was in a few of the Hong Kong daily papers this week for performing at a press event with Canto Pop group "Twins". The event was to promote their new album, the Harbour City walk of chocolate, and a blood drive. (as far as I could understand as everything was done in Cantonese.) I am shown here handing them chocolate roses which just appeared from a flash of fire.

I'm sure the title of this post elicits many different imagined story lines. I laughed to myself on the possibilities of what an event called "chocolate magic" could entail. Most of the story lines that come to mind however would make little sense to the intended audience of this event. I imagine a New Orleans VooDoo priest with class and style, incense and Jazz music. Something very un PC and next to impossible to pull off un the US.


It was a fascinating experience to be involved with a pop groups press event. The screaming teeny bopper crowd was quite impressive. I wish I had understood what the MC was saying. Time to take some Cantonese lessons.

Stuart PalmComment
Happy limbo holidays

It's that time of year when Christmas has passed and New Years is around the corner. A time to relax, a calm between storms, and a time to get over that cold you got during Christmas.

I had a nice Christmas performing four shows in Zhongshan China at the Crown Plaza Hotel. It was the first time working a mentalism blindfold act with an interpreter and it went very well.

Although I did pick up a cold in China I am taking it easy and gearing up for New Years Eve which will be quite busy. I hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday season!

Stuart PalmComment